
Post 797



The Gahanna Post of the American Legion was founded in 2002, with Gahanna veterans of various military backgrounds coming together to form a unit that started with 26 veterans. Since then we have grown to over 500 members, many even from other communities. Members have demonstrated their dedication to serving the community of Gahanna by providing High School students the opportunity to participate in annual American Legion Oratorical Contests, to attend the annual Buckeye Boys & Girls State Programs, and to take the Americanism & Government Tests provided by the state to see if our school programs are teaching them what they need to know about our government. Our Post participates in numerous events within the community, helping wherever and whenever they have the opportunity. The Post Honor Guard has provided its support for veteran’s services throughout the entire Central Ohio area. All these things have been carried out by an organization having no established home base. However, our Post has met nearly from the beginning at, and with the blessing of, VFW Post 4719, to whom we owe endless gratitude.

The Gahanna American Legion Post #797 accepts donations to help us in our endeavors to provide assistance to veterans and others needing assistance, as well as many school requests received each year. Donations in any amount can be sent by check to: American Legion Post 797, Mail: 81 Mill St, Suite 300, Gahanna 43230 (please, no cash).

Donations are deductible on your income tax as the Legion is a 501(c) 19 non-profit organization.  Thank you for your consideration.